Past Meetings

August 1-4, 2023
The 2023 iPoLS Annual Meeting

Georgia Tech
Details located HERE.

May 31 - June 3, 2022
The 2022 iPoLS Annual Meeting
Montpellier, France.
Details located HERE.

March 12-13, 2021
The 2021 iPoLS Education Meeting: Black in iPoLS
Details located HERE.

October 25-26, 2020
Virtual Workshop: Growing Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity for the Physics of Living Systems (Grow PoLS)

The purpose of this workshop, recommended by the PoLS stakeholders, is to grow the ecosystem of physics by recognizing the systemic barriers that exist in STEM fields at all education and career levels, by building alliances, and by sharing best practices to overcome these systemic barriers. We aim to create equitable paths towards rewarding science careers for historically under-represented minorities, thus making STEM careers inclusive for all students. The program will also be available on YouTube.
Grow PoLS Virtual Workshop Flyer

October 23, 2020
Biological Physics (CPLC) Seminar

Paul Hergenrother, University of Illinois Dept. of Chemistry
Saliva-based testing for SARS-CoV-2 at the University of Illinois
Zoom meeting link, Zoom meeting ID: 857 8142 1391,12 PM CST

October 22, 2020
TCBG Seminar

Gerhard Hummer, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics Gesellschaft, Germany
Molecular Simulations in Times of COVID-19
Zoom meeting link, 11AM CST

October 16, 2020
PoLS Students Research Network Seminar, 1pm ET

Haoran Ni (University of Maryland, Papoian lab) - Mechanochemical cytoskeleton simulation with membrane
Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 985 9592 7093

October 5 & 6, 2020
Biophysics Symposium on "Biological Active Matter"
October 5th - Introductory remarks and welcome

Nikta Fakhri
(MIT) Broken symmetries in living active matter
Aaron Dinner (University of Chicago) Toward a predictive model of cytoskeletal dynamics
Alexandra Zidovska (NYU) The "self-stirred" genome: Dynamics, flows and rheology
Michael Murrell (Yale University) Traction-independent cellular flows in cell aggregates
Wrap up
October 6th - Introductory remarks and welcome
Meredith Betterton (University of Colorado) Biophysics of mitotic spindle assembly
Alex Mogilner (NYU) Assembly of mitotic spindle in prometaphase
Daniel Reich (Johns Hopkins University) Dissecting fat-tailed fluctuations in the cytoskeleton with active micropost arrays
Christoph Schmidt (Duke University) Mechanosensing in Drosophila: larval chordotonal organs
Wrap up and final remarks

10/1/20 - GT Lunch and Learn
The seminars this semester will be virtual. As usual the Lunch and Learn talks are Thursday from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. We'll be holding it every week at this link:

9/30/20 - iPoLS Faculty Seminar
4pm CT / 5pm ET
Daniel Witvliet and Dr. Vladislav Susoy
(Harvard University)
Principles of Brain Circuit Maturation Revealed by Mapping Synaptic Wiring Diagrams Across Development and Brain-wide Functional Organization of Natural Multistep Behavior - C. Elegans mating

9/29/20 - CTBP Seminar
12:45pm CT / 1:45pm ET
Speaker Dr. Hugo Sanabria
(Clemson University)
Unraveling Protein's Structural Dynamics: From Configurational Dynamics to Ensemble Switching Guides Functional Mesoscale Assemblies

9/28/20 - UIUC Journal Club
Mondays at 4pm Central / 5pm Eastern
9/28/20 - Speaker Nick Weaver
(1st year physics student)
Nonequilibrium Entropic Bounds for Darwinian Replicators by Jordi Piñero and Ricard Soléi, doi:10.3390/e20020098

iPoLS Faculty Seminar
Dr. Fred MacKintosh and second speaker TBA

Wednesday, Aug 26, 5:00 PM Eastern/4:00 PM Central
Zoom link:

August 2020

(email for exact dates/times and registration details)
Virtual Building Cell Geometry for Lattice Microbes with Zan Luthey-Schulten (free but space limited)

July 2020
CPLC Summer School

UIUC- Will be online, modified dates

July 20-27, 2020
iPoLS Summer School

June 1 - July 3, 2020
Bridge Fellows Program
Fisk University undergraduate students’ orientation to biological physics research at UIUC
(some virtual sessions will be made available to all iPoLS students, email to join)

June 26, 2020
Simons-Emory International Consortium on Motor Control

10am-1pm EDT
The workshop will be streamed at the Emory Theory and Modeling of Living Systems YouTube channel, where you will also be able to ask questions via live chat (Google account required for Q&A).

June 24, 2020
iPoLS Special Online Seminar

5:00-6:00 Eastern, Speakers TBA

June 15-19, 2020
Genome Architecture and Function Virtual Workshop

We will be in contact with the technical details for participating and will also adjust the agenda times to take into consideration the different time zones of our participants as much as possible. We will likely be using Zoom, and would like to invite all participants, especially the graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and invited panelists to give talks. The plan is to have talks pre-recorded closer to the event to minimize any technical glitches during the live events.

June 8-11, 2020
iPoLS Annual Meeting

The meeting will be held online this year, 10am-12pm EDT. Students will be presenting talks each morning in groups arranged around research topics (see poster presentations). Students who would like to present a poster can email Margie Dieter. The program schedule can be found here, and registration is open!
Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA

May 27, 2020
iPoLS Special Online Seminar
Dr. Vernita Gordon
, UT Austin
Dr. Bob Austin, Princeton, Synthetic Life of Robot Swarms
5:00-6:00 Eastern, Speakers TBA

May 15, 2020
Student Seminar
Abby Bull
(Wolfgang Losert group), Guidance of immune-cell actin dynamics
1pm, via Zoom

May 8, 2020
Student Seminar
Yihang Wang
(Pratyush Tiwary group), How do proteins, nucleic acids and ligands talk to each other: Insights from AI augmented molecular simulations
1pm, virtual meeting via Zoom

5/4/20 - 5/15/20
UIUC Monday
Parts III & IV of What do your data say?

a free online bootcamp through Northwestern’s NSF Simons Center for Quantitative Biology

Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University iPoLS
Tuesdays 1:30-2:30 Eastern, September through April

April 30, 2020
Physics of Behavior Virtual Workshop

10am-1pm (Eastern Daylight Time)
Topic of Discussion: If we can track (most) everything, what should we do with the data?

April 29, 2020
iPoLS Special Online Seminar

Herbie Levine and Simon Mochrie, 5:00-6:00 Eastern

4/13/20 - 4/24/20
UIUC Monday
Parts I & II of What do your data say?

a free online bootcamp through Northwestern’s NSF Simons Center for Quantitative Biology

4/8 - 5/20/20
UIUC Wednesdays

4-5pm Central
Virtual Journal Club (email

Georgia Tech iPoLS Lunch and Learn
Thursday 12:30-1:30 Eastern (spring 2020 semester has ended)

PoLS APS Dinner

March 4, 2020
Are you attending the APS meeting in Denver? Please join us on Wednesday, March 4th for dinner at the Rhein Haus, 1415 Market St., 6:30-9:30pm.

2nd Annual iPoLS Education Meeting: Communicating Why our Science Matters
Friday, February 14, 2020, La Jolla, California

This February 14th, please join us for a meeting at the Craig Venter Institute in La Jolla, California, to discuss science communication. The morning will feature a workshop with Sandra Loh, from NPR's Loh Down on Science, and the afternoon will consist of brief research presentations.
Sponsored by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the J. Craig Venter Institute

PoLS Dinner at Biophysics Meeting
Saturday, February 15, 2020

Join us at Buster's Beach House, 807 W. Harbor Dr. from 6:30-9:30pm

Award News
Texas American Physical Society (APS) Meeting
October 25, 2019
Dr. Margaret Cheung and Graduate Student Andrei Gasic receive 2019 Robert S. Hyer Graduate Student and Mentor Award

PEB/QBio Retreat
October 25, 2019
Hosted by Yale University (for their Physical and Engineering Biology graduate program/community - which includes PoLS and Quantitative Biology Institute)
This event will feature talks and posters.

CNeuro: Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School
August 15-29, 2019, Tsinghua University, Beijing

2019 Physics of Living Cells Summer School
Multiscale Approaches To Quantifying and Modeling the Living Cell
July 23-30, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
Details can be found here.

2019 Boulder Summer School: Theoretical Biophysics
July 8-26, Boulder, Colorado
Details can be found here.

iPoLS 2019 Annual Meeting
July 8-11, Munich, Germany

Imaging Workshop
Imaging in the Behaving Brain
April 12, 2019, Harvard University
Contact: Polina Kehayova,

PoLS Education Meeting at Johns Hopkins, March 1
March 1, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD (see flyer for more details)

iPoLS 2018 Annual Meeting
June 22-26, Houston, TX
Final session of talks focusing on new directions in Biophysics can be found at this link.

Hands-On Workshop on Cell Scale Simulations
July 18-20, 2018, Urbana, IL

Quantitative Biology 2018 Meeting
June 26-29, Houston, TX

iPoLS 2018 Annual Meeting
June 22-26, Houston, TX

PoLS Annual Meeting
June 25-29, 2017 - Paris, France

Texas PoLS Science Retreat
March 2017

APS Meeting PoLS Dinner
March 15, 2017 - 6:30pm, Mulate's Restaurant, New Orleans, LA

Biophysics Meeting PoLS Lunch
February 13, 2017 - 1pm, Mulate's Restaurant, New Orleans, LA

Workshop: Systems and Synthetic Biology for Designing Rational Cancer Immunotherapies
October 7-8, 2016 - Tysons Corner, VA
Hosted by Rice University

Focused Summer Lectures
August 8-12, 2016 - Los Alamos, NM
Hosted by Los Alamos National Labs

Center for the Physics of Living Cells Summer School
July 24-30, 2016 - Urbana, IL
Hosted by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

iPoLS 2016 Annual Meeting
July 24-27, 2016 - Cambridge, MA
Hosted by Harvard University

WORKSHOP: Modeling and Dynamics in Molecular Biophysics
January (26) 27-28, 2016
Workshop Organizers:
José Onuchic, Rice University
Joan-Emma Shea, University of California, Santa Barbara
National Science Foundation
Krastan B. Blagoev, Physics of Living Systems
Theresa Good, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
Kamal Shukla, Molecular Biophysics

WORKSHOP: Design Principles for Engineering Biology
November (10) 11-12, 2015 - Tysons Corner, VA (DC Metro)
Workshop Organizers:
Jay D. Keasling, University of California, Berkeley
Ken A. Dill, Stony Brook University
Eberhard Voit, Georgia Institute of Technology
Erel Levine, Harvard University
Funder and Funder Contacts
National Science Foundation
OAD – Directorate for Engineering (ENG)
Friedrich Srienc, Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, CBET
Susanne von Bodman, Systems and Synthetic Biology, MCB
David Rockcliffe, Chemistry of Life Processes, Chemistry
Krastan Blagoev, Physics of Living Systems, Physics

iPoLS Conference 2015
July (16) 17-20, 2015
Workshop Organizers:
Dave Thirumalai, University of Maryland
Funder and Funder Contacts
National Science Foundation
Krastan B. Blagoev, Physics of Living Systems Program
Kamal Shukla, Molecular Biophysics Program

WORKSHOP: Physics of Wear, Tear, Aging and Failure in Living and Nonliving Systems
May (6) 7-8, 2015
Workshop Organizers:
Walter Bortz, Stanford University
Leonard Hayflick, University of California, San Francisco
Christopher Jarzynski, University of Maryland, College Park
Robert Laughlin, Stanford University
Arnold Levine, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Herbert Levine, Rice University
James L. Smith, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Workshop Funders
National Science Foundation
Krastan B. Blagoev, Physics of Living Systems Program
Kamal Shukla, Molecular Biophysics Program
Glenn Foundation for Medical Research

International Physics of Living Systems Network (SRN) - 2014 Annual Meeting
July 21-24, 2014

Physical, Engineering and Biological Limits of Brain Measurements
May (29) 30-31, 2014 - Arlington, VA
Workshop Organizers:
Jin Hyung Lee, Stanford University
Peter Littlewood, ANL/University of Chicago
Ivar Martin, Argonne National Laboratory
Partha Mitra, Cold Spring Harbor
Funder and Funder Contact
National Science Foundation
Krastan B. Blagoev, Physics of Living Systems Program

Connecting the Biological and Physical Principles of Mammalian Aging
Talk Video

May (14) 15-16, 2014 - Arlington, VA
Workshop Organizers:
Robert Laughlin, Stanford University
Herbert Levine, Rice University
Jerry Shay, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Geoffrey West, Santa Fe Institute
Funder and Funder Contact
National Science Foundation
Krastan B. Blagoev, Physics of Living Systems Program

Design, Engineering and Selection of Novel Proteins
May (11) 12-13, 2014 - Arlington, VA
Workshop Organizers:
Michael Hecht, University of North Carolina
Funder and Funder Contact
National Science Foundation
Michele McGuirl, Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences

Quantitative Theories of Learning, Memory, and Prediction
May (7) 8-9, 2014 - Arlington, VA
Workshop Organizers:
Danielle Bassett, University of Pennsylvania
Nancy Kopell, Boston University
William Bialek, Princeton University
Funder and Funder Contacts
National Science Foundation
Krastan B. Blagoev, Physics of Living Systems Program
Betty K. Tuller, Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences

The Physical Principles of Human Cancer Imaging Workshop
November 4-5, 2013 - Boston, MA

The Physics of Living Systems SRN III at Princeton University
August 4-8, 2013

Quantitative Laws of Genome Evolution
Workshop on Statistical Physics/Biology
June 27 - July 5, 2013

Cell Decision Making Workshop
June (9) 10-11, 2013 - Arlington, VA

PoLS Workshop: Macromolecular Interactions - Atoms to Networks
May 14-16, 2013

2013 Biophysics Symposium at UMD
May 13, 2013

Physical and Mathematical Principles of Brain Structure and Function Workshop
May (5) 6-7, 2013 - Arlington, VA

Cells, Circuits and Computation 2013
January 23, 2013

Physics and Cancer II: Theoretical Foundations of Drug and Immune Resistance in Cancer
November 12-14, 2012

The Physics of Living Systems SRN II at Yale University
July 10-13, 2012

Locomotion Systems Science Workshop
May 29-31, 2012 - Arlington, VA
Workshop Report Summary

The Physics of Living Systems SRN I at UCSD
June 19-21, 2011

Physics of Cancer Metastasis Workshop
November 1-2, 2010