October 25-26, 2020
Grow PoLS Virtual Workshop: Growing Equity, Inclusion and Diversity for the Physics of Living Systems
The purpose of this workshop, recommended by the PoLS stakeholders, is to grow the ecosystem of physics by recognizing the systemic barriers that exist in STEM fields at all education and career levels, by building alliances, and by sharing best practices to overcome these systemic barriers. We aim to create equitable paths towards rewarding science careers for historically under-represented minorities, thus making STEM careers inclusive for all students.
Not everyone has equitable access to information needed for career advancement in science due to financial hurdles or lack of appropriate education, or counseling support at public schools. Disparities in funding public schools often follow the legacy of racial segregation from the past. An uneven distribution of wealth within and across school districts has disproportionately affected people of color, particularly African-American people, who suffer from a lack of opportunities to learn physics or advanced placement (AP) physics in high school. Such setbacks are reflected in college admissions, and for those attending college, participation in college physics. Lack of access to STEM courses, and for our purposes, physics, results in disproportional exclusion of economically disadvantaged students, or those that are historically underrepresented in STEM fields, from earning a degree in physics or engineering. The systemic racism directly limits the pipeline of future physicists, as well as the opportunities of growing physics careers in all disciplines. Today, the PoLS SRN program has a unique opportunity to grow the ecosystem of Physics by bringing the dynamic networks of graduate students, faculty, and high school teachers together. This workshop is an ideal forum for discussion between all stakeholders about developing actionable items that expand the diverse pool of prospective students from predominantly economically disadvantaged or historically under-served populations.
Featured Speakers:
- Dr. Philip Phillips, UIUC
- Dr. Erika Henderson, UH
- Dr. Donna Stokes, UH
- Dr. Eric Mazur, Harvard University
- Dr. Greg Morrison, UH
- Ms. Celestina Pangan, Chavez High School, Houston
- Dr. Vernita Gordon, UT
- Dr. Saundra McGuire, LSU
- Dr. Sheila S. Jaswal, Amherst College
- Dr. Margaret Cheung, UH
- Dr. Marta Dark McNeese, Spelman College
- Dr. Jeffrey Stear, HCC
- Dr. Lee Limbird, Fisk University
Event Organizers:
- Margaret S. Cheung, Ph.D. Center for Theoretical Biological Physics (CTBP) University of Houston/Rice Univ
- Margie Dieter, Ph.D. Physics of Living Systems Students Research Network, Rice Univ
- Sharlene Denos, Ph.D. Center for the Physics of the Living Cell, UIUC
- Krastan Blagoev, Ph.D. Physics of Living Systems, National Science Foundation
Click here to Register.
Click here for Meeting Schedule.
The Grow PoLS Virtual Workshop Flyer can be found here.
The program will also be available on YouTube.